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"Ho Hum Hell" [2023]

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"Ho Hum Hell" [2023] Empty "Ho Hum Hell" [2023]

Post by FukinSpookie Sun Jun 25, 2023 6:08 pm

Ho hum hell-o neighbor!
Howdy do and how are you?
Now friend, I see you all afrown.
I hear you're wanting to end your time with us.
Why, I can't say I'm mad but buddy I sure am
Tell me
what's all this I've been hearing?
You want to fake your own death and
never come home?
Boy that right there is just silly talk.
You'll always have a home here in Ho Hum Hell,
your places is in Nowheresville USA,
that's where you'll stay by golly.

Posts : 100
Join date : 2023-03-24
Age : 29


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