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"Hurr Durr Mirror Mirror Durr Hurr" [2023]

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"Hurr Durr Mirror Mirror Durr Hurr" [2023] Empty "Hurr Durr Mirror Mirror Durr Hurr" [2023]

Post by FukinSpookie Sun Jun 18, 2023 12:35 am

I see you,
you see me.
Movements matched
movements mirrored.
Hand raise and slap smack,
there's no winning between such foes.
It really fucking hurts and I shouldn't have done that.
This is a battle of two wits combined and both
lacking equally when they're brought together.
My lightbulbs are 75 watts,
I feel a kinship with them.
Our chessboard a mirror hanging on the wall,
that I ought to clean one of these days.

Posts : 100
Join date : 2023-03-24
Age : 30


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