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"I'm Confused" [2023]

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"I'm Confused" [2023] Empty "I'm Confused" [2023]

Post by FukinSpookie Fri Jun 02, 2023 2:30 pm

My humanity poured from my ears,
dripped like a tap,
wept out from my tear ducts
pretty pinks and brain fog greys.

My essence went dribbling down my cheek,
like piss trickling down my leg.
Just as warm too.

The whole soul sum of my humanity,
streamed into my mouth from an upturned corner of what passes for a smile
I tell you it left my teeth stained cigarette smoke yellow.

I could just about taste the thing my dreams were made of.
And it left me confused.

Posts : 100
Join date : 2023-03-24
Age : 29


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