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read, perfume, charge (prompt)

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read, perfume, charge (prompt) Empty read, perfume, charge (prompt)

Post by Fawnxxx Wed Apr 19, 2023 5:52 pm

Walking through Walmart.
'Something to do.
Cashier sees my little sister and asks
Is she mine? I say yes,
I guess. She is 4 to my 12.
Does she have cancer?
I say No. You forgot to charge me for the candy bar.
The cashier smiles. Her mom had it too.
(With Gracie, we shave her head
or she pulls her hair out at night.)
I think the cashier wears too much perfume.
Sister looks at Hershey
She sees the word but doesnt know
how to read.

Posts : 6
Join date : 2023-03-30

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