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shot, savor, temper

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shot, savor, temper Empty shot, savor, temper

Post by Fawnxxx Thu Mar 30, 2023 8:28 pm

The three words in the title are the prompt! All three words must be used. Feel free to share your own version in the comments (if there isnt a character limit?)

I dont have a temper,
I understand the nuance
of each emotion behind anger.
Perfect girls don't explode.
...But little twisted gremlins
in people suits, they
retreat to their closets at night
to combust.
With silent hot tears
and shrieks like tea kettles
from hell. And as we age,
we learn to pour liquor
down our throats without wincing.
We take the shot at the party
And learn to hide how we savor
the burn.

Posts : 6
Join date : 2023-03-30

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