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A Bastard's Lament II [2023]

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A Bastard's Lament II [2023] Empty A Bastard's Lament II [2023]

Post by FukinSpookie Tue Mar 28, 2023 6:39 pm

"A Bastard's Lament II"

I am Apathy and I am Atrophy,
and this is just the start.
Don't you worry, you haven't seen the end yet.
Not. Even. Close.
There's too much money at stake, you know?

I am Apathy.
I am Atrophy.
Neither the beginning nor the end.
In media res if you will.
I will take and take and take
and take take take some more
I won't stop until I've got my fill.
Not for you. 
Not for your friends 
Not your family
Not even for your little children gurgling and spurting violent crimson red.
I am Apathy, I am Atrophy: I can taste iron in the air.

I am Apathy and I am Atrophy
gone is the flower of my youth, 
and the innocence of my younger days.
If I can't have them,
then son, neither can you.
I am Apathy and Atrophy,
believe you me,
we'll be talking again after the next school shooting.

Posts : 100
Join date : 2023-03-24
Age : 30


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